Practicing Success

Target Exam





Admission of a Partner


Vikas and Rahul are partners who shared profits in the ratio of 2 : 3. They admitted Sunil as a partner for $\frac{3}{7}$th share in future profits who brings ₹37,500 as his share of Goodwill. Half of which is withdrawn by sacrificing partners. Record Journal entry for Goodwill withdrawn by Partners.


Premium for Goodwill A/c Dr    37,500
                  To Vikas's Capital A/c             15,000
                  To Rahul's Capital A/c             22,500

Vikas's Capital A/c Dr       7,500
Rahul's Capital A/c Dr     11,250
                 To Bank A/c                    18,750

Bank A/c Dr           18,750
             To Vikas's Capital A/c         7,500
             To Rahul's Capital A/c       11,250

Vikas's capital A/c Dr        15,000
Rahul's Capital Ac Dr         22,500
                  To Bank                      37,500

Correct Answer:

Vikas's Capital A/c Dr       7,500
Rahul's Capital A/c Dr     11,250
                 To Bank A/c                    18,750


The correct answer is Option (2) -

Vikas's Capital A/c Dr       7,500
Rahul's Capital A/c Dr     11,250
                 To Bank A/c                    18,750

Old ratio = 2:3
Sunil's new share = 3/7th
Let total share = 1
Sunil's share = 3/7
Remaining share = 1-3/7
                         = 4/7

This share will be distributed between old partners in old ratio.
New share of Vikas = 4/7 x 2/5
                             = 8/35

New share of Rahul = 4/7 x 3/5
                             = 12/35

sacrificing share of Vikas = 2/5 - 8/35
                                     = (14-8)/35
                                     = 6/35
Sacrificing share of Rahul = 3/5 - 12/35
                                      = (21-12)/35
                                      = 9/35
Sacrificing ratio = 6: 9 or 2:3
Goodwill will be shared in this ratio.

Goodwill = ₹37,500 
1/2 is withdrawn = 37500 x 1/2
                         = ₹18750

This will be shared in 2:3
Vikas share = 18750 x 2/5
                  = 7500
Rahul share = 18750 x 3/5
                  = 11250

Withdrawal entry will be-
Vikas's Capital A/c Dr       7,500
Rahul's Capital A/c Dr     11,250
                 To Bank A/c                    18,750