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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


In the flocculation method of water treatment _______ chemical is added to water.



low negatively charged

positively charged

high negatively charged

Correct Answer:

positively charged


The correct answer is option 3. positively charged.

In the flocculation method of water treatment, a positively charged chemical is added to water.

Flocculation is a process used in water treatment to aggregate suspended particles in water into larger, settleable masses called flocs. This aggregation is achieved by adding flocculants, which are chemicals that neutralize the negative charges on the particles, allowing them to come together and form larger, heavier particles that can settle out of the water more easily. Positively charged flocculants, such as aluminum sulfate (alum) or ferric chloride, are commonly used in the flocculation process to neutralize the negative charges on the suspended particles and promote their aggregation.