Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Consumer Protection

Read the following text and answer the following question on the basis of the same (Q.5) :
Yoshana purchased an ISI marked Heater from Yojit Appliances. She made Cash Payment, but failed to get a Cash Memo. While making use of the heater she observed that it was not working properly. She contacted the shopkeeper immediately and told him the problem. Shopkeeper paid no heed to her complaint. Rather he remarked that the good in question was not bought from his shop. Yoshana had no evidence of proving that the heater was purchased from his shop only. She discussed the problem with her friend Sudikhsha who advised her to approach Consumer Forum and lodge the complaint. Yoshana was convinced with the idea of lodging the complaint against the shopkeeper but due to lack of cash memo it was difficult for her to proceed.
Q.1 Identify the Right of the consumer as referred to in the above paragraph.
Right to be informed
Right to Safety
Right to be Seek Redressal
Right to Choose
Correct Answer:
Right to be Seek Redressal
Right to seek Redressal: The consumer has a right to get relief in case the product or service falls short of his expectations. The Consumer Protection Act provides a number of reliefs to the consumers including replacement of the product, removal of defect in the product, compensation paid for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer, etc.