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Target Exam





Physical: Chemical Kinetics


Case: Read the passage and answer the following questions

In the rate equation Rate = k [A]x[B]y

 x and y indicate how sensitive the rate is to the change in concentration of A and B. Sum of these exponents, i.e., x + y gives the overall order of a reaction whereas x and y represent the order with respect to the reactants A and B respectively. Hence, the sum of powers of the concentration of the reactants in the rate law expression is called the order of that chemical reaction. Order of a reaction can be 0, 1, 2, 3 and even a fraction.

Which of the following is not true about order of the reaction?


 Order of a reaction can be 0, 1, 2, 3

Order of a reaction can be a freaction

Order of a reaction is the sum of powers of the concentration of the reactants in the rate law expression

Order of a reaction is always the sum of stoichiometric coefficients of reactant

Correct Answer:

Order of a reaction is always the sum of stoichiometric coefficients of reactant


The reaction order is not related to the stoichiometric coefficients. The reaction order only determines the number of molecules per mole participating in the reaction, not how many moles of each molecule are there.