Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


If 100 deaths take place in a population of 10,00,000 per year, then the death rate will be



0.001 per person per year

0.0001 per person per year

0.1 per person per year

1 per person per year

Correct Answer:

0.0001 per person per year


The correct answer is Option (2) -0.0001 per person per year

A population has certain attributes whereas, an individual organism does not. An individual may have births and deaths, but a population has birth rates and death rates. In a population these rates refer to per capita births and deaths. The rates, hence, expressed are change in numbers (increase or decrease) with respect to members of the population.

If 100 deaths take place in a population of 10,00,000 per year, then the death rate will be 100/1000000=o.ooo1 per person per year

Death rate = (Number of deaths) / (Total population)

In this case:

Death rate = 100 deaths / 10,00,000

Death rate =o.ooo1 per person per year