Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Answer the questions after carefully reading the passage:

Being a memory trainer, I meet hundreds of people from different professions and lifestyles who are constantly complaining about memory problem. Some people complain that they have a very bad memory and are not able to remember anything while others say that they face a problem recalling phone numbers but are good at recalling names and faces. And then there are those who remember phone numbers, but cannot remember the names of the people they wish to call. Some people are fast at memorizing things but cannot retain it for long whereas there are a few others who though take a long time to memorize but can retain that information for a long time. They often ask me to give them some tips on how they can improve their poor memory.

Let me first tell you that there is no such thing as a poor memory. This may come as a shock to those of you who have used your supposedly 'poor' memory as an excuse for years. But, I repeat, there is no such thing as a poor memory. There is only trained or untrained memory. Trained memory means that we can learn to remember things in a simple and definite way just as we have learnt to speak, walk, and eat. With the use of some smart memory techniques, we can remember much more information for any given length of time, and all this in a very systematic way. The good news is that by training our memory, we all can have a very good, quick, and retentive memory for almost anything.

According to the passage, which of the following statements are true?

(A) Students suffer mostly from memory problem.
(B) Some people say they find it difficult to recall phone numbers.
(C) Some are quick at memorizing, but not at retention for long periods.
(D) People hardly ask about their memory.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A) and (D) Only

(B) Only

(B) and (C) Only

(C) and (D) Only

Correct Answer:

(B) and (C) Only


The correct answer is Option (3) → (B) and (C) Only

The correct statement according to the passage is:

(B) Some people say they find it difficult to recall phone numbers.
(C) Some are quick at memorizing, but not at retention for long periods.

- Statement (B) is directly supported by the passage, which mentions that some individuals complain about facing difficulty recalling phone numbers.
- Statement (C) is also supported by the passage, which discusses individuals who are fast at memorizing things but cannot retain the information for long periods.
- Statement (A) is not directly mentioned in the passage. While the passage discusses people from various professions and lifestyles, it does not specifically state that students suffer mostly from memory problems.
- Statement (D) contradicts the passage, which states that the author, being a memory trainer, meets hundreds of people who are constantly complaining about memory problems. Therefore, people do ask about their memory.