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General Test


General Knowledge




The thermometer that measures our body temperature?


Clinical thermometer

Paranormal thermometer

Critical thermometer

Kelvin Thermometer

Correct Answer:

Clinical thermometer


The correct answer is option 1.  Clinical thermometer.

A clinical thermometer is a specialized thermometer designed for measuring human body temperature. Here's an explanation of its features and usage:

1. Design:

A clinical thermometer is typically a slender, sealed glass tube with a bulb at one end containing a liquid, often mercury or alcohol. The tube has a calibrated scale that allows for the precise measurement of temperature.

2. Temperature Range:

The temperature range of a clinical thermometer is focused on the human body temperature range, typically between 35°C to 42°C (or 95°F to 108°F). This range covers the normal body temperature of a healthy individual.

3. Calibration:

The thermometer is carefully calibrated to ensure accurate readings. The scale is marked in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, and each division represents a specific temperature increment.

4. Usage:

To measure body temperature using a clinical thermometer, the bulb is placed in a specific location, such as under the tongue, in the armpit, or rectally, depending on the design of the thermometer. The thermometer is left in place for a short period to allow the temperature to stabilize and provide an accurate reading.

5. Mercury or Alcohol Fill:

Traditional clinical thermometers contain mercury as the liquid inside the bulb. However, due to concerns about mercury toxicity, many modern clinical thermometers use a colored alcohol solution instead of mercury.

6. Safety Considerations:

When using a clinical thermometer, it is important to handle it carefully to avoid breakage. In the case of traditional mercury thermometers, there is a risk of exposure to mercury, which can be harmful. As a result, many countries have transitioned to using digital thermometers or those filled with a safe, colored alcohol solution.

7. Digital Clinical Thermometers:

In addition to traditional liquid-in-glass thermometers, digital clinical thermometers have become popular. Digital thermometers provide quick and accurate readings without the use of mercury or alcohol. They are often equipped with features like memory recall and fever alarms.

Clinical thermometers are widely used in healthcare settings, homes, and clinics for monitoring body temperature, aiding in the diagnosis of illnesses, and assessing overall health. They provide a simple and effective way to measure body temperature accurately.