Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies




Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follows.

The adversarial system that the colonial era brought in, made access to justice difficult because it ended the era of informal dispute settlement prevalent in the Indian Society leaving aside the quality of justice dispensation in the indigenous mode. The Pre-British system was accessible as it was not technical or formal and was conducted in a language known to parties. The Supreme Court also observed that our judicature moulded by Anglo-American Models and our judicial process engineered by kindred legal technology compel the collaboration of lawyer - power or steering the wheels of equal justice under the law.

The adversarial system is characterized by the technical nature of law and is called formal because :


It gave rise to dispute settlement by society

It requires pleading and court fees

Judges can investigate cases themselves

It has removed complexities like bribery and poverty

Correct Answer:

It requires pleading and court fees


The correct answer is Option (2) → It requires pleading and court fees