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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Topics of Law

Which of the following is the liability of a seller in case of a sale?
Disclose defects of the property which is known to the seller and is not known to the buyer
Produce to the buyer all documents of title (documents regarding ownership) relating to the property
Answer all the questions put to him by the buyer in relation to the property
All of these
Correct Answer:
All of these
Liabilities of Seller:
Disclose defects of the property which is known to the seller and is not known to the buyer;
Produce to the buyer all documents of title (documents regarding ownership) relating to the property
Answer all the questions put to him by the buyer in relation to the property;
Take care and preserve the property and the documents of title between the date of the contract of sale and the delivery of the property;
Bear all public charges and rent with regard to the property up to the date of sale;
To give the buyer possession of the property.