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Organic: Chemistry in Everyday Life


Which of the following enhances leathering property of soap?


Sodium carbonate

Sodium rosinate

Sodium stearate

Trisodium phosphate

Correct Answer:

Sodium rosinate


The answer is 2. Sodium rosinate.

Sodium rosinate is a filler that is added to soap to enhance its leathering property. It is a fatty acid salt that is derived from rosin, a natural resin. Sodium rosinate helps to improve the smoothness and feel of soap, and it also helps to prevent the soap from drying out.

Sodium carbonate, sodium stearate, and trisodium phosphate are all used in soap making, but they do not enhance the leathering property of soap. Sodium carbonate is used to make soap harder, sodium stearate is used to make soap lather better, and trisodium phosphate is used to soften water.