Practicing Success

Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


Which of the following statement (s) is/are correct?

Statement 1: As per the psychodynamic therapy, feelings of loneliness, alienation, sense of futility of one’s existence, etc., which cause psychological problems. . 

Statement 2: The psychodynamic therapy provides a therapeutic environment which is positive, accepting, and nonjudgmental.



Only Statement 1 is correct.


Only Statement 2 is correct.


Both statements are correct.


None of the given statement is correct.

Correct Answer:

None of the given statement is correct.


Psychodynamic therapy is of the view that intrapsychic conflicts, i.e. the conflicts that are present within the psyche of the person, are the source of psychological problems. Psychodynamic therapy uses the methods of free association and reporting of dreams to elicit the thoughts and feelings of the client. This material is interpreted to the client to help her/him to confront and resolve the conflicts and thus overcome problems. 

Existential therapy focuses on the present and emphasizes that psychological problems stem from current experiences such as feelings of loneliness, alienation, and a sense of futility in one's existence. According to this perspective, the existential challenges faced in the present moment are what give rise to psychological distress. The existential therapy provides a therapeutic environment which is positive, accepting, and nonjudgmental. The client is able to talk about the problems and the therapist acts as a facilitator. The client arrives at the solutions through a process of personal growth.