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Target Exam



Legal Studies


Legal Maxims

This legal maxim is a commercial and contractual law principle that transfers the liability of quality assurance from the seller to the buyer. It requires the consumer to conduct due diligence on the product before purchasing it and assume the risk of potential problems or defects. Which of the following legal maxim is being discussed here?
Caveat Emptor
Quid Pro Quo
Caveat Venditor
Per Incuriam
Correct Answer:
Caveat Emptor
Caveat Emptor: It is a Latin phrase that is translated as “let the buyer beware.” It means that an individual buys at their own risk.
Caveat emptor is a commercial and contractual law principle that transfers the liability of quality assurance from the seller to the buyer. It requires the consumer to conduct due diligence of the product before purchasing it and assume the risk of potential problems or defects. Its opposite is caveat venditor, which means “let the seller beware.”