Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


In the following passage, some words have been deleted. Read the passage carefully and select the most appropriate option to fill in each blank.

When we believe that our mind is thinking ______ thoughts at the same time, what actually is happening is that __________ thoughts are __________ in such quick ___________ so as to seem simultaneous.


homogenous, measurable, unchanging, velocity

challenging, limited, fixed, interruption

multiple, myriad, alternating, succession

uniform, countable, altering, ramification

Correct Answer:

multiple, myriad, alternating, succession


The most appropriate option to fill in the blanks is:multiple, myriad, alternating, succession

When we believe that our mind is thinking multiple thoughts at the same time, what actually is happening is that myriad thoughts are alternating in such quick succession so as to seem simultaneous.

Let's break down why this option is the best fit:

  • Multiple: Our minds can entertain more than one thought at a time.
  • Myriad: This emphasizes the vast number of thoughts that can potentially be considered. While "multiple" works, "myriad" adds a layer of emphasis on the great number.
  • Alternating: This describes the way our attention seems to switch between these thoughts very quickly.
  • Succession: This refers to the sequence of thoughts that appear to be happening simultaneously.