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Target Exam





Micro Economics: Theory of Consumer behaviour


Which of the following is not correct statement ?


Production possibility curve does not explain the opportunity cost of production of x and y

In a market economy all goods come with a price

Microeconomics does not analyse the problem of unemployment

Positive economics studies how the different mechanisms function

Correct Answer:

Production possibility curve does not explain the opportunity cost of production of x and y


The correct answer is option (1) : Production possibility curve does not explain the opportunity cost of production of x and y

The statement "Production possibility curve does not explain the opportunity cost of production of x and y" is not correct because the production possibility curve (PPC) is specifically designed to illustrate and explain the concept of opportunity cost in production.

Other Options:

  • In a market economy all goods come with a price: This statement is correct. In a market economy, goods and services are typically assigned a price based on supply and demand dynamics.

  • Microeconomics does not analyse the problem of unemployment: This statement is correct. Unemployment is primarily a macroeconomic issue.

  • Positive economics studies how the different mechanisms function: This statement is correct. Positive economics deals with objective analysis and describes how economic systems and mechanisms function without making value judgments.