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Indian Penal Code 1860 was drafted after consulting which of the following Penal Codes?
French Penal Code and UK Penal Code
French Penal Code as well as the Code of Louisiana in the US.
US Penal and UK Penal Code
Code of Louisiana in the US and German Penal Code
Correct Answer:
French Penal Code as well as the Code of Louisiana in the US.
The Indian Penal Code was passed in 1860 and came into force in 1862. It is the main criminal code in India. It was drafted after consulting various existent criminal codes in the world such as the French Penal Code as well as the Code of Louisiana in the US. It is uniformly applicable in all the states of the country except Jammu and Kashmir where, due to the special constitutional status of that state, a separate Penal Code called is in operation.