Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


Identify the scientific principle that called for a complete mental revolution on the part of both management and workers.


Harmony, not Discord

Science not Rule of Thumb

Development of Each and Every person to his or her greatest efficiency and prosperity

Cooperation, Not Individualism

Correct Answer:

Harmony, not Discord


Factory system of production implied that managers served as a link between the owners and the workers. Since as managers they had the mandate to ‘get work done’ from the workers, it should not be difficult for you to appreciate that there always existed the possibility of a kind of class-conflict, the mangers versus workers. Taylor recognised that this conflict helped none, the workers, the managers or the factory owners. He emphasised that there should be complete harmony between the management and workers. Both should realise that each one is important. To achieve this state, Taylor called for complete mental revolution on the part of both management and workers. It means that management and workers should transform their thinking. In such a situation even trade unions will not think of going on strike etc. Management should share the gains of the company, if any, with the workers. At the same time workers should work hard and be willing to embrace change for the good of the company. Both should be part of the family. According to Taylor, ‘Scientific management has for its foundation the firm conviction that the true interests of the two are one and the same; that prosperity for the employer cannot exist for a long time unless it is accompanied by prosperity for the employees and vice versa’. Japanese work culture is a classic example of such a situation. In Japanese companies, paternalistic style of management is in practice. There is complete openness between the management and workers. If at all workers go to strike they wear a black badge but work more than normal working hours to gain the sympathy of the management.