Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


Which capital is considered to find out the ratio in which remaining solvent partners will bear the capital loss of the insolvent partner at the time of dissolution of partnership firm?


Capital as on the start date of partnership firm

Additional capital brought by partners

Capital as on date of dissolution

None of these

Correct Answer:

Capital as on date of dissolution


In the context of settlement of accounts among the partners there is still another important aspect to be noted, i.e., when a partner is unable to contribute towards the deficiency of his capital account (the account finally showing a debit balance), he/she is said to be insolvent, and the sum not recoverable is treated as capital loss for the firm. In the absence of any agreement, to the contrary, such a capital loss is to be borne by the remaining solvent partners in accordance with the principle laid down in Garner vs. Murray case, which states that the solvent partners have to bear such loss in the ratio of their capitals as on the date of dissolution.