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Physical: Chemical Kinetics


Rate of a reaction decreases with the passage of time as the concentration of reactants decrease. Conversely, rates generally increase when reactant concentrations increase. So, rate of a reaction depends upon the concentration of reactants. 

Consider a general reaction

aA + bB → cC + dD

where a, b, c and d are the stoichiometric coefficients of reactants and products.

The rate expression for this reaction is

Rate ∝ [A]x [B]y

where exponents x and y may or may not be equal to the stoichiometric coefficients (a and b) of the reactants.

Above equation can also be written as Rate = k [A]x [B]y

-\(\frac{dR}{dT}\) = k [A]x [B]y

This form of equation is known as differential rate equation, where k is a proportionality constant called rate constant.

The rate of the elementary reaction 2NO + O2 → 2NO2 when the volume of the reaction vessel is halved, what is the change in the rate of reaction?


It becomes eight times

It becomes \(\frac{1}{8}\) of the initial rate

It becomes four times

It becomes \(\frac{1}{4}\) of the initial rate

Correct Answer:

It becomes eight times


For the elementary reaction 2NO + O2 → 2NO2 

r = k [NO]2[O2]

If volume of the vessel is halved, concentration of each reactant becomes doubled.

r' = k[2NO]2[2O2]

r' = 8r