Practicing Success

Target Exam





Organisms and Populations


What is the outcome of competition between two species?


Both species benefit

Both species lose

One species benefits and the other is unaffected

One species benefits and the other is harmed

Correct Answer:

Both species lose


The correct answer is Option (2): Both species lose

Competition occurs when two or more species compete for the same limited resources, such as food, water, or space. In competitive interactions, the presence of one species can negatively impact the availability of resources for the other species, leading to reduced fitness or survival for both species involved.

In situations where the resources are insufficient to support the entire population of both species, the intense competition can result in decreased reproductive success, reduced growth rates, increased stress, or increased vulnerability to other environmental pressures for both species. This can ultimately lead to decreased population sizes or even local extinctions.

The outcome of competition can vary depending on the specific circumstances, including the level of competition, resource availability, and the adaptive traits of the species involved.

In some cases, both species may experience significant negative impacts and suffer reduced fitness, thus resulting in a situation where both species lose in the competition.