Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

An arm chair job


An easy and well paid regular job

Gentle and mind

To suffer defeat

Pass the crisis

Correct Answer:

An easy and well paid regular job


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "an armchair job" is an easy and well-paid regular job. It is used to describe a job that is not very demanding or challenging, and that does not require a lot of physical activity. For example, you might say "He has an armchair job as a financial analyst" or "She's always wanted an armchair job where she can just sit back and relax."

The other meanings of the idiom are:

  • Gentle and mind: not harsh or aggressive
  • To suffer defeat: to lose a contest or battle
  • Pass the crisis: to successfully overcome a difficult situation