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Target Exam





Modern India: Rebels and the Raj


Arrange the following events in a chronological order.
(A) Subsidiary Alliance introduced by Wellesley.
(B) Annexation of Awadh.
(C) Mutiny starts in Meerut.
(D) Shah Mal killed in battle.
(E) British suffer defeat in the battle of Chinhat.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (D), (C), (B), (A), (E)
(2) (B), (D), (A), (C), (E)
(3) (A), (B), (C), (E), (D)
(4) (C), (B), (D), (A), (E)






Correct Answer:



1798- Subsidiary Alliance was a system devised by Lord Wellesley in 1798. All those who entered into such an alliance with the British had to accept certain terms and conditions mentioned by the Britishers. The Subsidiary Alliance had been imposed on Awadh in 1801. By the terms of this alliance the Nawab had to disband his military force, allow the British to position their troops within the kingdom, and act in accordance with the advice of the British Resident who was now to be attached to the court.

1856- In 1851 Governor General Lord Dalhousie described the kingdom of Awadh as “a cherry that will drop into our mouth one day”.  In 1856, the kingdom of Awadh was formally annexed to the British Empire.

1857- 10 May 1857 Mutiny started in Meerut. Late in the afternoon of 10 May 1857, the sepoys in the cantonment of Meerut broke out in mutiny. It began in the lines of the native infantry, spread very swiftly to the cavalry and then to the city. The ordinary people of the town and surrounding villages joined the sepoys. The sepoys captured the bell of arms where the arms and ammunition were kept and proceeded to attack white people, and to ransack and burn their bungalows and property. Government buildings – the record office, jail, court, post office, treasury, etc. – were destroyed and plundered. The telegraph line to Delhi was cut. As darkness descended, a group of sepoys rode off towards Delhi.

1857- July- Shah Mal killed in battle.  Shah Mal mobilised the villagers of pargana Barout in Uttar Pradesh in the revolt of 1857. Shah Mal lived in a large village in pargana Barout in Uttar Pradesh. He belonged to a clan of Jat cultivators whose kinship ties extended over chaurasee des (eighty-four villages). Shah Mal mobilized the headmen and cultivators of chaurasee des, moving at night from village to village, urging people to rebel against the British. Shah Mal’s men attacked government buildings, destroyed the bridge over the river, and dug up metalled roads. Locally acknowledged as the Raja, Shah Mal took over the bungalow of an English officer, turned it into a “hall of justice”, settling disputes and dispensing judgments. He also set up an amazingly effective network of intelligence. Shah Mal was killed in battle in July 1857.

1857- 30 June, 1857,  British suffer defeat in the Battle of Chinhat. The Battle of Chinhat was between British forces and Indian rebels, at Chinhat (or Chinhut), Oude (Awad/Oudh). The British were led by The Chief Commissioner of Oude, Sir Henry Lawrence. Ahmadullah Shah was one of the Maulavi who played an important role in the 1857 uprising. He was elected as Leader of the 22nd Native Infantry. He fought in the famous battle of Chinhat in which the British forces under Henry Lawrence were defeated.