Practicing Success

Target Exam





Physical: Electro Chemistry


The standard electrode potential of copper is positive. Which of the following statements is true?


\(H^+\) ions get reduced more easily than \(Cu^{2+}\) ions

\(Cu\) does not dissolve in \(HCl\)

\(Cu\) is oxidized by nitrate ion in nitric acid

\(H^+\) ions cannot reduce copper.

Correct Answer:

\(Cu\) is oxidized by nitrate ion in nitric acid


The correct answer is option 3. \(Cu\) is oxidized by nitrate ion in nitric acid.

Standard electrode potential of copper: The standard electrode potential of copper \((Cu/Cu^{2+})\) is \(+0.34 V\). This positive value indicates that copper is a good oxidizing agent in standard conditions.

Analysis of statements:

  1. \(H^+\) ions get reduced more easily than \(Cu^{2+}\) ions: This statement is false. Since copper has a positive electrode potential, it has a greater tendency to attract electrons and undergo reduction compared to \(H^+\) ions in standard conditions. Therefore, \(Cu^{2+}\) ions are reduced more easily than \(H^+\) ions.
  2. \(Cu\) does not dissolve in \(HCl\): This statement is false. Dilute \(HCl\) can dissolve copper due to the formation of \(CuCl_2\) complexes. The reaction is:

\[Cu + 2 HCl \longrightarrow CuCl_2 + H_2\]

  1. \(Cu\) is oxidized by nitrate ion in nitric acid: This statement is true. Concentrated nitric acid \((HNO_3)\) can oxidize copper to \(Cu^{2+}\) ions due to the strong oxidizing ability of the nitrate ion \((NO_3^-)\). The reaction is:

\[Cu + 4 HNO_3 \longrightarrow Cu(NO_3)_2 + 2 NO_2 + 2 H_2O\]

  1. \(H^+\) ions cannot oxidize copper: This statement is false. As mentioned earlier, copper has a positive electrode potential, making it susceptible to oxidation by species with lower reduction potentials. Under appropriate conditions (e.g., concentrated solutions or the presence of oxidizing agents), \(H^+\) ions can oxidize copper.