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Target Exam



Fine Arts


The Rajasthani Schools of Painting


Which emotional states are mentioned in "Rasamanjari"?


Baal, taruna and praudha

Padmini, chitrini, shankhini, hastini

Khandita, vasaksajja, abhisarika, utka, etc.

Vata, pita, kapha

Correct Answer:

Khandita, vasaksajja, abhisarika, utka, etc.


Answer:  Khandita, vasaksajja, abhisarika, utka, etc.
"Rasamanjari" deals with emotional states such as khandita, vasaksajja, abhisarika, utka, etc.

Bhanu Datta, a Maithil Brahmin who lived in Bihar in the fourteenth century, composed another favourite text of artists, Rasamanjari, interpreted as the ‘Bouquet of Delight’. Written in Sanskrit, the text is a treatise on rasa and deals with the classification of heroes (nayakas) and heroines (nayikas) in accordance with their age — baal, taruna and praudha; physiognomic traits of appearance, such as padmini, chitrini, shankhini, hastini, etc., and emotional states, such as khandita, vasaksajja, abhisarika, utka, etc. Though Krishna is not mentioned in the text, painters have introduced him as the archetypal lover.