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Target Exam







Choose the correct option:

(a) Decomposition rate increases when detritus contains lignin and chitin.

(b) Humus formed during humification undergoes degradation by microbes, releasing inorganic nutrients through mineralization.



I is true, while II is false

I and II both are true

I is false, while II is true

I and II both are false

Correct Answer:

I is false, while II is true


The correct answer is Option (3) -I is false, while II is true

Statement I: Decomposition rate is higher when detritus is enriched with lignin and chitin. This statement is false. Lignin and chitin are complex organic compounds that are resistant to decomposition. Their presence in detritus makes it more difficult for decomposers to break down the organic matter. As a result, detritus with high lignin and chitin content tends to decompose at a slower rate.

Statement II: The humus formed during humification is further degraded by some microbes and releases inorganic nutrients via the mineralization process. This statement is true. Humus, which is a dark-colored amorphous substance formed during decomposition, is a rich reservoir of nutrients. While it is highly resistant to microbial action and undergoes decomposition at an extremely slow rate, some microbes are capable of degrading humus further. This degradation process leads to the release of inorganic nutrients through mineralization, making them available for uptake by plants and other organisms.

Therefore, the correct option is (3) I is false, while II is true.