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Target Exam



Business Studies




Which is not the feature of planning


Planning is pervasive

Planning is continuous process

Planning is not futuristic

Planning involves decision making

Correct Answer:

Planning is not futuristic


The correct answer is option (3) : Planning is not futuristic

The feature of planning that is NOT accurate is:

Planning is not futuristic.

Planning is, in fact, futuristic by nature. It involves setting objectives, making decisions, and developing strategies for the future. Planning is all about preparing for and influencing future outcomes. Therefore, statement 3 is not a valid feature of planning.

Planning is pervasive: This means that planning is not limited to a specific level or department within an organization. It is a function that applies at all levels and in all areas of an organization. Every part of an organization, from top management to the operational level, engages in some form of planning to achieve its goals and objectives.

Planning is a continuous process: Planning is an ongoing and dynamic process. It doesn't stop once a plan is created and implemented. Instead, it involves a cycle of setting objectives, developing strategies, implementing them, and then evaluating the results. This continuous process allows for adjustments and improvements based on changing circumstances.

Planning involves decision making: Planning is inherently linked with decision making. When setting objectives and developing plans, decision-making is integral to choosing the best course of action, allocating resources, and determining the most effective strategies to achieve the desired outcomes. Planning and decision-making go hand in hand to guide an organization's actions and efforts toward its goals.