Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Cultural Change


During electoral competition caste is used as a vital factor by politician to get voter with which process can we relate thin example with?


Modernisation of Caste

Secularisation of Caste

Politization of Caste

Communalization of Caste

Correct Answer:

Secularisation of Caste


The correct answer is Option (2) → Secularisation of Caste

During electoral competition, politicians often use caste as a tool to attract voters. They do this by appealing to the specific interests and concerns of different caste groups. This process can be seen as a form of secularisation of caste, as it involves using caste for political purposes rather than religious ones.

Modernisation of Caste refers to the process by which caste has become more fluid and less rigid in recent years. This has led to a decline in the importance of caste in everyday life.

Politicization of Caste refers to the process by which caste has become more politicised in recent years. This has led to an increase in the number of caste-based political parties and movements.

Communalization of Caste refers to the process by which caste has become more associated with religious identity. This has led to an increase in caste-based violence and discrimination.