Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Internal Trade


Which of the following services is not provided by the wholesaler to the retailer?


Availability of goods

Marketing support

Grant of credit

Facilitate production continuity

Correct Answer:

Facilitate production continuity


The correct answer is option 4- Facilitate production continuity.

Facilitate production continuity is the service which is provided by wholesaler to manufacturer not to retailer.

The important services offered by wholesalers to the retailers are described as below:

(i) Availability of goods: Retailers have to maintain adequate stock of varied commodities so that they can offer variety to their customers. The wholesalers make the products of various manufacturers readily available to the retailers. This relieves the retailers of the work of collecting goods from several producers and keeping big inventory of the same.

(ii) Marketing support: The wholesalers perform various marketing functions and provide support to the retailers. They undertake advertising and other sales promotional activities to induce customers to purchase the goods. The retailers are benefitted as it helps them in increasing the demand for various new products.

(iii) Grant of credit: The wholesalers generally extend credit facilities to their regular customers. This enables the retailers to manage their business with a relatively small amount of working capital.

(iv) Specialised knowledge: The wholesalers specialise in one line of products and know the pulse of the market. They pass on the benefit of their specialised knowledge to the retailers. They inform the retailers about the new products, their uses, quality, prices, etc. They may also advise them on the decor of the retail outlet, allocation of shelf space and demonstration of certain products.

(v) Risk sharing: The wholesalers purchase in bulk and sell in relatively small quantities to the retailers. Being able to purchase merchandise in smaller quantities, retailers are in a position to avoid the risk of storage, pilferage, obsolescence, reduction in prices and demand fluctuations in respect of larger quantites of goods that they would have to purchase in case the services of wholesalers are not available.