Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option:-

An ultimatum given by one country to another usually includes a ___________ for action.


shipment of

understanding of

burden of


Correct Answer:



The correct option to fill in the blanks is demand.

An ultimatum is a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in a breakdown or a very serious consequence. The other options are not appropriate because they do not convey the same meaning.

  • The word "shipment" refers to the act of sending goods to a place. This does not make sense in the context of an ultimatum, as an ultimatum is not a physical object.
  • The word "understanding" refers to the ability to comprehend something. This does not make sense in the context of an ultimatum, as an ultimatum is not something that is meant to be understood.
  • The word "burden" refers to something that is heavy or difficult to bear. This does not make sense in the context of an ultimatum, as an ultimatum is not something that is meant to be a burden.