Practicing Success

Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section B1


Relations and Functions


Consider the non-empty set consisting of children in a family and a relation R is defined as aRb if a is a brother of b. Then R is :


Symmetric but not transitive

Transitive but not symmetric

Both symmetric and transitive

Neither symmetric nor transitive

Correct Answer:

Transitive but not symmetric


The correct answer is Option (2) → Transitive but not symmetric

R is not Reflexive

as one can't be brother of oneself

R is not symmetric

as if $(a, b) ∈R$ ⇒ a is brother of b

but $(b,a)∉R$ always as b may b sister of a

R is transitive

as $(a, b) ∈R$ ⇒ a is brother of b, $(b, c) ∈R$ ⇒ b is brother of c

⇒ a is brother of c so $(a, c) ∈R$