Practicing Success

Target Exam





Arrange in Meaningful Sequence


Rearrange the following sentences to make a meaningful paragraph:

A. one palm tree was left standing in the centre
B. Dako's home was built by his father and the members of the tribe.
C. first, they cleared away a large patch of forest land with axes
D. this palm tree became a landmark for identification of their home.
E. then they cut down the tall trees, ferns and creepers.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


B, E, D, A, C

C, B, A, E, D

D, E, A, B, C

B, C, E, A, D

Correct Answer:

B, C, E, A, D


The correct answer is Option (4) → B, C, E, A, D

B. Dako's home was built by his father and the members of the tribe.
C. first, they cleared away a large patch of forest land with axes

E. then they cut down the tall trees, ferns and creepers.

A. one palm tree was left standing in the centre
D. this palm tree became a landmark for identification of their home.