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Target Exam







In the following question a certain relation exists between the first two words. The same relation also exists between the third and the fourth word. Out of these four words one word is missing and is denoted by a question mark in the question. Find out the missing word from the words given below.
Statue : Size :: Song : ?






Correct Answer:



The relationship between "Statue" and "Size" is that a statue can vary in size. Similarly, the relationship between "Song" and the missing word should involve something that can vary or be associated with a song. So, the missing word should be related to the characteristics or attributes of a song. The correct answer is: Tune. A song can vary in its tune, just as a statue can vary in its size.

We are looking for a word that represents a characteristic or attribute of a song, something that can vary or be associated with songs.

Option 1: Words - This doesn't fit the analogy because "Words" are a part of a song but do not represent a characteristic that varies or can be associated with a song as a whole.

Option 2: Beauty - While beauty can be associated with songs, it doesn't directly represent a characteristic or attribute that varies within a song.

Option 3: Tune - This is the correct answer. The "Tune" of a song is a key characteristic that can vary between different songs. Just as statues can vary in size, songs can vary in tune.

Option 4: Singer - This doesn't fit the analogy because "Singer" is a separate entity related to a song but doesn't represent an inherent characteristic of the song itself.