Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: US Hegemony in World Politics


During the Clinton years, it often seemed that the US had withdrawn into its internal affairs and was not fully engaged in world politics. In foreign policy, the Clinton government tended to focus on ‘soft issues’ like democracy promotion, climate change and world trade rather than on the ‘hard politics’ of military power and security. Nevertheless, the US on occasion did show its readiness to use military power even during the Clinton years. The most important episode occurred in 1999, in response to Yugoslavian actions against the predominantly Albanian population in the province of Kosovo. The air forces of the NATO countries, led by the US, bombarded targets around Yugoslavia for well over two months, forcing the downfall of the government of Slobodan Milosevic and the stationing of a NATO force in Kosovo.

Which of the following statements is correct about the rule of Clinton as President of America?

A- William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton contested the elections from the Republican Party in 1992.

B- He had campaigned on domestic rather than foreign policy issues.

C- He won elections again in 1996 and then in 2000.

D- During the Clinton years, it often seemed that the US had withdrawn into its internal affairs and was not fully engaged in world politics.

E- Clinton government tended to focus on ‘soft issues’ like democracy promotion, climate change and world trade.


A, B and C

A, D and E

B, D and E

C, D and E

Correct Answer:

B, D and E


Despite winning the First Gulf War, George H.W. Bush lost the US presidential elections of 1992 to William Jefferson (Bill) Clinton of the Democratic Party, who had campaigned on domestic rather than foreign policy issues. Bill Clinton won again in 1996 and thus remained the president of the US for eight years. During the Clinton years, it often seemed that the US had withdrawn into its internal affairs and was not fully engaged in world politics. In foreign policy, the Clinton government tended to focus on ‘soft issues’ like democracy promotion, climate change and world trade rather than on the ‘hard politics’ of military power and security.