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Target Exam





Micro Economics: Introduction


Assume there are only two goods produced in the economy (having fixed amount of resources and technology), Good A and Good B. The quantities of Good A and Good B which can be produced using given resources are plotted on a graph with good A on x-axis and Good B on y-axis. Different combinations of A and B when plotted and joined gave a downward sloping concave curve. One point, Point F lies above the curve. Point E lies below the curve.

Why is the obtained curve concave to origin?


Increasing marginal rate of substitution 

Increasing marginal rate of transformation 

Diminishing marginal utility 

Decreasing marginal rate of transformation

Correct Answer:

Increasing marginal rate of transformation 

Marginal rate of transformation is the rate at which output of Good-Y is to be sacrificed for every additional unit of Good-x. It refers to the slope of of PPC. Increasing marginal rate of transformation causes the shape of the curve to be concave to the origin.