Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science




If jobs, facilities like medical care or education, and natural resources like land or water, are limited, demands may be made to restrict entry to ‘outsiders’ even though they may be fellow citizens.

Which of the following slogans raised in India expressed such feelings?


Sampoorna Kranti ab nara hai, bhavi itihas hamara hai

Vahegurgu ji da khalsa, Vaheguru ji di fateh

Mumbai for Mumbaikars

Indra is India

Correct Answer:

Mumbai for Mumbaikars


The correct answer is Option 3 - Mumbai for Mumbaikars

If jobs, facilities like medical care or education, and natural resources like land or water, are limited, demands may be made to restrict entry to ‘outsiders’ even though they may be fellow citizens. You may remember the slogan ‘Mumbai for Mumbaikars’ which expressed such feelings. Many similar struggles have taken place in different parts of India and the world.