Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Arrange the selection process in correct sequence.

(A) Employment Interview

(B) Selection Tests

(C) Selection Decision

(D) Reference and Background checks

(E) Preliminary Screening

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(B), (E), (D), (A), (C)

(E), (D), (B), (A), (C)

(A), (C), (B), (D), (E)

(E), (B), (A), (D), (C)

Correct Answer:

(E), (B), (A), (D), (C)


The correct answer is option (4) : (E), (B), (A), (D), (C)

The correct sequence of the selection process is as follows:

(E) Preliminary Screening: This initial step involves the initial review of applications and resumes to identify potential candidates who meet the basic requirements for the job.

(B) Selection Tests: This step involves conducting various tests to assess the candidates' skills, knowledge, aptitude, and suitability for the position they are applying for.

(A) Employment Interview: The next step is to conduct interviews with the selected candidates to further evaluate their
qualifications, experience, and overall fit for the role and the organization.

(D) Reference and Background checks:Following the interviews, reference and background checks are conducted to verify the information provided by the candidates and to ensure their credibility and suitability for the job.

(C) Selection Decision:The final step involves making the selection decision based on the results of the interviews, tests, and reference checks to choose the most suitable candidate for the position.

Based on the explanation above, the correct answer is:

(4) (E), (B), (A), (D), (C)