Target Exam





Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


In its first report on the march, this magazine was deeply sceptical of the Salt March reaching its destination. It claimed that Gandhiji “sank to the ground” at the end of the second day’s walking; the magazine did not believe that “the emaciated saint would be physically able to go much further”.

We get this information about the Dandi March from which of the following sources?


New York Times

American News Magazine- 'Time'

British Magazine "Guardian"

Indian Magazine- Statesman

Correct Answer:

American News Magazine- 'Time'


The correct answer is Option 2 - American News Magazine- 'Time'

The progress of the Salt March can also be traced from another source: the American news magazine, Time. This, to begin with, scorned at Gandhiji’s looks, writing with disdain of his “spindly frame” and his “spidery loins”. Thus in its first report on the march, Time was deeply sceptical of the Salt March reaching its destination. It claimed that Gandhiji “sank to the ground” at the end of the second day’s walking; the magazine did not believe that “the emaciated saint would be physically able to go much further”. But within a week it had changed its mind. The massive popular following that the march had garnered, wrote Time, had made the British rulers “desperately anxious”. Gandhiji himself they now saluted as a “Saint” and “Statesman”, who was using “Christian acts as a weapon against men with Christian beliefs”.