Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in Rural Society


When agriculturists produce primarily for themselves and are unable to produce for the market, it is known as:


Development Agriculture

Subsistence Agriculture

Economic Agriculture


Correct Answer:

Subsistence Agriculture


The correct answer is Option (2) → Subsistence Agriculture

In most of the Green Revolution areas, it was primarily the medium and large farmers who were able to benefit from the new technology. This was because inputs were expensive, and small and marginal farmers could not afford to spend as much as large farmers to purchase these inputs. When agriculturists produce primarily for themselves and are unable to produce for the market, it is known as ‘subsistence agriculture’ and they are usually termed ‘peasants’. Agriculturists or farmers are those who are able to produce surplus, over and above the needs of the family, and so are linked to the market. It was the farmers who were able to produce a surplus for the market who were able to reap the most benefits from the Green Revolution and from the commercialisation of agriculture that followed