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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Change and Development in Rural Society


Which of the following statement is NOT true about the second phase of green revolution?


Increasing dependence on market

Farmers switched to Multi-crop system from Mono-crop system

Green revolution resulted in increased regional inequalities

Increased risks for farmers

Correct Answer:

Farmers switched to Multi-crop system from Mono-crop system


The statement that the Farmers switched to Multi-crop system from Mono-crop system is incorrect.

Following the first phase of the Green Revolution, the second phase is currently being introduced in the dry and semi-arid regions of India. In these areas there has been a significant shift from dry to wet (irrigated) cultivation, along with changes in the cropping pattern and type of crops grown. Increasing commercialisation and dependence on the market in these areas (for instance, where cotton cultivation has been promoted) has increased rather than reduced livelihood insecurity, as farmers who once grew food for consumption now depend on the market for the incomes. In market-oriented cultivation, especially where a single crop is grown, a fall in prices or a bad crop can spell financial ruin for farmers. In most of the Green Revolution areas, farmers have switched from a multi-crop system, which allowed them to spread risks, to a mono-crop regime, which means that there is nothing to fall back on in case of crop failure.

Another negative outcome of the Green Revolution strategy was the worsening of regional inequalities. The areas that underwent this technological transformation became more developed while other areas stagnated.