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Target Exam





Macro Economics: Government Budget and Economy


Choose the correct example of Revenue Expenditure.


Excise duty

Post office savings Accounts

Payments of salary to staff of government hospital

Recovery of loans

Correct Answer:

Payments of salary to staff of government hospital


The correct answer is option (3) :Payments of salary to staff of government hospital

Revenue expenditure refers to the expenses incurred by the government for its day-to-day operations and the provision of public services. Payments of salaries to staff, such as doctors, nurses, and administrative personnel, in government hospitals are recurring expenses that fall under revenue expenditure.

    • Excise duty: This is a type of indirect tax levied on certain goods produced within a country. It's a source of income for the government, not an expenditure.
    • Post office savings accounts: While the government might manage these accounts, the funds deposited are not considered revenue expenditure. They represent liabilities for the government, as it owes the deposited money to the account holders.
    • Recovery of loans: This refers to getting back money that the government has lent. It's not an expenditure but rather a source of income for the government.