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Target Exam





Ancient India: Kinship, Caste and Class


Why do historians try to ascertain the possible date and place of composition of texts?


To identify the author(s) of the texts

To understand the beliefs and ideologies represented in the texts

To determine the social status of the intended audience

To place the texts in their historical context and understand their significance

Correct Answer:

To place the texts in their historical context and understand their significance


When historians analyze texts, they consider various factors to gain insights into their historical significance. They investigate the language used, such as Prakrit, Pali, Tamil, or Sanskrit, to understand the probable audience, with Sanskrit being associated mainly with priests and elites. Additionally, historians examine the type of text, distinguishing between mantras, chanted by ritual specialists, and stories that people could read, hear, and retell if they found them captivating.

Moreover, historians seek information about the author(s) who shaped the text and the intended audience, recognizing that authors often tailor their works to suit the interests of their readers. They also try to ascertain the possible date and location of the text's composition or compilation to place it within its historical context.