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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Recent Developments in Indian Politics


Identify the elements of 'Consensus Politics' in India.
(A) Acceptance of the role of the state-level parties in the governance of the Country
(B) Agreement on judicial reforms
(C) Acceptance of the political and social claims of the backward castes
(D) Introduction of the New Education Policy
(E) Agreement on the New Economic Policies
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(1) (A), (B) and (C) only
(2) (A), (C) and (E) only
(3) (C), (D) and (E) only
(4) (B) and (D) only






Correct Answer:



In the midst of severe competition and many conflicts, a consensus appears to have emerged among most parties. This consensus consists of four elements.

First, agreement on new economic policies – while many groups are opposed to the new economic policies, most political parties are in support of the new economic policies. Most parties believe that these policies would lead the country to prosperity and a status of economic power in the world.

Second, acceptance of the political and social claims of the backward castes – political parties have recognised that the social and political claims of the backward castes need to be accepted. As a result, all political parties now support reservation of seats for the ‘backward classes’ in education and employment. Political parties are also willing to ensure that the OBCs get adequate share of power.

Third, acceptance of the role of State level parties in governance of the country – the distinction between State level and national level parties is fast becoming less important. State level parties are sharing power at the national level and have played a central role in the country’s politics of last twenty years or so.

Fourth, emphasis on pragmatic considerations rather than ideological positions and political alliances without ideological agreement – coalition politics has shifted the focus of political parties from ideological differences to power sharing arrangements. Thus, most parties of the NDA did not agree with the ‘Hindutva’ ideology of the BJP. Yet, they came together to form a government and remained in power for a full term.