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Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Select the correct Active/Passive form of the given sentence.

The boss told his employees, “You are supposed to complete this project by the end of this month.”


The boss told his employees that he was supposed to complete that project by the end of that month.

The boss told his employees that he was supposed to complete this project by the end of that month.

The boss told his employees that they were supposed to complete that project by the end of that month.

The boss told his employees that they were supposed to completed that project by the end of that month.

Correct Answer:

The boss told his employees that they were supposed to complete that project by the end of that month.


The correct active/passive form of the given sentence is The boss told his employees that they were supposed to complete that project by the end of that month.

The sentence is in the simple present tense, which is used to describe an action that happens regularly or now. The active voice of the sentence is formed by putting the subject of the sentence before the verb and removing the word "by." In this case, the subject of the sentence is "boss" and the verb is "tell." So, the active form of the sentence is "The boss told his employees that they were supposed to complete that project by the end of that month."

The other options are incorrect because:

  • The boss told his employees that he was supposed to complete that project by the end of that month.” This is incorrect because the word "he" refers to the boss, but the boss is telling his employees that they are supposed to complete the project.
  • The boss told his employees that he was supposed to complete this project by the end of that month.” This is incorrect because the word "this" refers to the present project, but the boss is talking about a project that needs to be completed by the end of the month.
  • The boss told his employees that they were supposed to complete this project by the end of that month.” This is incorrect because the word "this" refers to the present project, but the boss is talking about a project that needs to be completed by the end of the month.
  • The boss told his employees that they were supposed to completed that project by the end of that month.” This is incorrect because the verb "completed" is in the past participle form, which is used to describe an action that has been finished. The sentence is about an action that is supposed to happen in the future.