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Legal Studies


Legal Services

In New York City in 1876, poor people in the United States first received civil legal aid. The evolving civilization gradually shifted toward social engineering through unrestricted access to justice through three mechanisms. The first was to provide assistance to vulnerable populations; the second was to impose limitations on the use of legal rights granted to the wealthy; and the third was to take away legal rights from the wealthy and equalise the strong and weak before the law. However, the society did not eventually reach its aim as a result of these three processes. There is one type of weakness is not sufficiently shielded by restrictions. Law is not self-executing, thus before a wrong is made right, the power of the society that upholds the law must be used against the offender.
Which among the following gave to the poor man privilege intending to aid him to escape from the bonds of debt and servitude?
The Code of Hammurabi
Mosaic Law
The Hebrew courts
None of the above
Correct Answer:
Mosaic Law
Mosaic law (Law of Moses) gave to the poor man many privileges intending to aid him to escape from the bonds of debt and servitude. If the creditor took his poor debtor's cloak in pledge, he must return it by nightfall, for instance otherwise he would have no covering for the night. So prompt payment of wages to the poor was enjoined for he was poor.