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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

Get One’s Ducks in a Row


have everything improperly disorganized

have nothing properly organized, though ready

have everything messily arranged

have everything properly organized

Correct Answer:

have everything properly organized


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "get one's ducks in a row" is have everything properly organized.

The other options are incorrect.

  • "Have everything improperly disorganized" does not mean have everything properly organized. Improper disorganization means that things are not organized in a way that makes sense.
  • "Have nothing properly organized, though ready" does not mean have everything properly organized. Being ready does not mean that things are organized.
  • "Have everything messily arranged" does not mean have everything properly organized. Messy arrangement means that things are not organized in a neat or orderly way.

The idiom "get one's ducks in a row" comes from the idea of a line of ducks swimming in a straight line. In the same way, to get one's ducks in a row means to have everything organized and in order. For example, you might say that you need to get your ducks in a row before you start the project.