Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ray Optics


A planoconvex lens has a thickness of = 4 cm. When placed on a horizontal surface (table), with the curved surface in contact with it, the apparent depth of the bottom most point of the lens is found to be $t_1$= 3 cm. If the lens is inverted such that the plane face is in contact with the table, the apparent depth of the center of the plane surface is found to be $t_2$ = 25/8 cm. Find the focal length of the lens


50 cm

60 cm

75 cm

90 cm

Correct Answer:

75 cm


Refraction of flat surface:

Apparent depth= (Real depth)/ (R.I )

$⇒t_1=\frac{t}{n}$  . . .(1)

Refraction of curved surface


Here $n_1 = n, n_2 =1, u ≅ -t$, R is – R



Putting $v= t_2$ we obtain, $-\frac{1}{t_2}=\frac{n-1}{R}-\frac{n}{t}$  …(2)

$\frac{1}{f}=(n-1)(\frac{1}{R_1}-\frac{1}{R_2})$, Putting $R_1 =R$ and $R_2= ∞$

we obtain, $f=\frac{R}{n-1}$  …(3)

Putting $\frac{n-1}{R}=\frac{1}{f}$ from (3) in (2) we obtain, $-\frac{1}{t_2}=\frac{1}{f}-\frac{n}{t}$


Putting the value of n from equation (1)
