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Target Exam





Biodiversity and Conservation


Which type of forest has up to 10 times as many species of vascular plants as a forest of equal area in a temperate region?


Temperate forest



Deciduous forest

Correct Answer:



b) Rainforest

Rainforests are the type of forest that can have up to 10 times as many species of vascular plants as a forest of equal area in a temperate region.

A forest in a tropical region like Ecuador can have up to 10 times as many species of vascular plants as a forest of equal area in a temperate region like the Midwest of the USA.

Rainforests are known for their incredible biodiversity, and they are among the most diverse ecosystems on Earth. These forests are characterized by high levels of rainfall, high humidity, and warm temperatures throughout the year.

The combination of abundant rainfall and consistent warm temperatures in rainforests creates ideal conditions for plant growth and proliferation. As a result, rainforests support a vast array of plant species, including numerous types of vascular plants. Vascular plants are those with specialized tissues for conducting water, nutrients, and food throughout the plant, such as trees, shrubs, and ferns.

In contrast, temperate forests, found in regions with distinct seasons and milder climates, generally have lower species diversity compared to rainforests. The seasonal variations in temperature and precipitation in temperate forests create more challenging conditions for many plant species to thrive.

The high species diversity of rainforests is not limited to plants alone but also includes a wide variety of animal species, making these ecosystems hotspots of biodiversity. Unfortunately, rainforests are also under significant threat due to deforestation and habitat destruction, leading to the loss of many species and highlighting the importance of their conservation.