Practicing Success

Target Exam





Medieval India: Bhakti Sufi Traditions


Which of the following statements are correct?

(A) Guru Arjan compiled Guru Nanak’s hymns in the Adi Granth Sahib.
(B) Guru Tegh Bahadur laid the foundation of the Khalsa Panth.
(C) Guru Nanak composed the Guru Granth Sahib.
(D) Mirabai was a Maratha princess.
(E) Mirabai was a Rajput princess.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(A) and (D) only

(C) and (D) only

(B) and (C) only

(A) and (E) only

Correct Answer:

(A) and (E) only


The correct answer is Option (4) - (A) and (E) only

The following are the correct statements:

(A) Guru Arjan compiled Guru Nanak’s hymns in the Adi Granth Sahib.
(E) Mirabai was a Rajput princess.

It appears that Baba Guru Nanak did not wish to establish a new religion, but after his death his followers consolidated their own practices and distinguished themselves from both Hindus and Muslims. The fifth preceptor, Guru Arjan , compiled Baba Guru Nanak’s hymns along with those of his four successors and other religious poets like Baba Farid, Ravidas (also known as Raidas) and Kabir in the Adi Granth Sahib (STATEMENT A). These hymns, called “gurbani”, are composed in various languages. In the late seventeenth century the tenth preceptor, Guru Gobind Singh, included the compositions of the ninth guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur, and this scripture was called the Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh also laid the foundation of the Khalsa Panth (army of the pure) and defined its five symbols: uncut hair, a dagger, a pair of shorts, a comb and a steel bangle. Under him the community got consolidated as a socio-religious and military force.

Mirabai (c. fifteenth-sixteenth centuries) is perhaps the best-known woman poet within the bhakti tradition. Biographies have been reconstructed primarily from the bhajans attributed to her, which were transmitted orally for centuries. According to these, she was a Rajput princess from Merta in Marwar who was married against her wishes to a prince of the Sisodia clan of Mewar, Rajasthan.

The incorrect statements with corrections are:

(B) Guru Gobind Singh, not Guru Tegh Bahadur laid the foundation of the Khalsa Panth.
(C) Guru Gobind Singh, not Guru Nanak composed the Guru Granth Sahib.
(D) Mirabai was a Rajput princess, not Maratha princess.