Practicing Success

Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


In the general Election to Lok Sabha held in 1977, the opposition fought the election on the slogan of:


Garibi Hatao

Jai Jawan Jai Kisan

Save Democracy

Bhavi itihas hamara hai

Correct Answer:

Save Democracy


The correct answer is option 3- Save Democracy

The 1977 elections turned into a referendum on the experience of the Emergency, at least in north India where the impact of the Emergency was felt most strongly. The opposition (Janata Party) fought the election on the slogan of ‘save democracy’.
The Janata Party won the 1977 elections. The people’s verdict was decisively against the Emergency. The lesson was clear and has been reiterated in many state level elections thereafter– governments that are perceived to be anti-democratic are severely punished by the voters. In this sense the experience of 1975–77 ended up strengthening the foundations of democracy in India.