Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank and make a meaningful sentence.

As a goodwill ________, I took some colleagues out for a meal.






Correct Answer:



The most appropriate word to fill in the blank is gesture.

The word "gesture" means a movement or action that is intended to express something, especially feeling or attitude. This is the most appropriate word because it accurately describes what the speaker did. The speaker took some colleagues out for a meal as a way of expressing their goodwill or good intentions.

The other options are not as appropriate.

  • Reminder means a thing that serves to remind someone of something. It does not make sense in the context of the sentence, because the speaker took the colleagues out for a meal to express their goodwill, not to remind them of something.
  • Token means a small or insignificant thing that is given or done as a sign of something. It does not make sense in the context of the sentence, because the speaker took the colleagues out for a meal as a significant gesture, not as a small or insignificant token.
  • Indication means a sign or clue that something is true or likely to happen. It does not make sense in the context of the sentence, because the speaker took the colleagues out for a meal to express their goodwill, not to give them an indication of something.