Practicing Success

Target Exam





Financial Statements - II


The amount of prepaid part is................from the total of the particular expense, and the new account of prepaid expense is shown on the............... side of the balance sheet.


Added, Assets

Added, Liabilities

Deducted, Assets

Deducted, Liabilities

Correct Answer:

Deducted, Assets


The correct answer is option 3- Deducted, Assets.

There are several items of expense which are paid in advance in the normal course of business operations. At the end of the accounting year, it is found that the benefits of such expenses have not yet been fully received; a portion of its benefit would be received in the next accounting year. This portion of expense, is carried forward to the next year and is termed as prepaid expenses. The necessary adjustment in respect of prepaid expenses is made by recording the following entry: Prepaid expense A/c Dr. To concerned expense A/c. The effect of the above adjustment entry is that the amount of prepaid part is deducted from the total of the particular expense, and the new account of prepaid expense is shown on the assets side of the balance sheet.